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Healthy Eating Week: Eating Well for You and The Planet

This week is Healthy Eating Week! The theme this year is all focused around eating well for you and for the planet, so in today’s article we’re sharing some tips to help you on your journey to having a healthier and more sustainable diet. Checkout our tips below!

1. Plan your meals

In the UK, 6.7 million tonnes of food is wasted per year which totals to costs of £10.2 billion each year (around £250-£400 per household per year). Planning what you want to eat can not only help your financial wellbeing, but it can also help you reduce waste which is better for the planet. Don’t forget to check what you’ve got in the cupboards or fridge before you go shopping to make sure you’re not buying items that you already have.

2. Try plant-based meals

Try having one plant-based meal per week as they are low in greenhouse gas emissions. A plant-based or vegan meal is one that doesn’t include animal products.

If a plant-based diet isn’t for you, that’s okay! Try buying meat and dairy from the UK to reduce food miles, as they have a lower carbon footprint than the global average.

3. Eat seasonally

Buying fruit and vegetables in season can also help to reduce the environmental impact of your food. You can tell if something in season by the label on the packaging for the country of origin – if you buy fruits or vegetables that are out of season, they might have been flown into the UK and could have a carbon footprint similar to meat.

4. Nothing beats home-grown food

There are loads of different things you can try to grow at home, whatever space you have. In the garden, you can use a peat-free compost to grow vegetables such as lettuce, broad beans, beetroots, or courgettes. Or on your windowsill, you can plant herbs such as mint and basil, or fruits like strawberries or raspberries.

5. Use your freezer more

Did you know that you can freeze bread, bananas, milk and… eggs? That’s right, most things can be frozen! It’s super easy to do and can help to reduce waste.

Here are some tips on what you can freeze:

- Bread can keep for up to three months in the freezer. Put it in a plastic bag or freezer bag and make sure it’s sliced before you pop it in the freezer, then just defrost in the toaster or oven.

- Bananas can keep for up to six months in the freezer. Peel them and cut in half (or into smaller chunks), and they’re ready to be added to your smoothie or breakfast tomorrow.

- Eggs can keep for up to three months in the freezer. Don’t freeze them in the shell though! Crack an egg open into a resealable container lined with a cling film or beat it and pour into a box.

- Milk can keep between three and six months in the freezer. You can pour it into an ice cube tray and, once frozen, just pop one of the ice cubes into your tea.

What one thing will you try today to reduce your impact through your food choices this week?